ADHD counselling in Ontario

Modern support for Women & late-diagnosed ADHD’ers.

girl with long hair on the background of foliage

All you want is a happy, balanced life.

Somehow, everyone else seems to manage that just fine.

Maybe it wasn’t always this complicated. And there was a time when it felt like you were staying on track too. But now it's like stress and anxiety follow you around everywhere. What makes it even harder is that people might not realize how much you're struggling. It’s exhausting to keep living up to your own expectations, let alone everyone elses.

Because on the outside, you can look organized and put together, but you might also forget or misplace things. And you can also be fiercely passionate about doing what you love, but sometimes get so sidetracked that it’s hard to truly enjoy your accomplishments.

You’re ready for life to feel lighter - so you can have more energy for the things that matter to you most.

You’re tired of feeling caught in this cycle:

  • Worrying about failing or disappointing the people you care about

  • Wishing you had more control over your eating or spending habits

  • Feeling burnt out and disconnected all the time

how we can help

Therapy for ADHD can help you get back on track to fulfilling your goals.

We’ll begin by exploring the parts of your life that could be going better. It could be anything from figuring out your career, communicating your needs effectively, being more present with your family, or just wanting to feel more confident and improve your relationships.

No matter where you are in your journey with ADHD, whether you're still questioning it or have already been diagnosed, we're here to support you. Our goal is to help you understand what you need at this moment and in the future.

You'll receive personalized support tailored to helping you balance your emotions and live your life to the fullest. Gain fresh perspectives on your relationships and learn strategies to set boundaries and assert your needs.

imagine if you…

Understood what you needed and how to communicate it

Communicating how you’re feeling and setting boundaries when you need to. Having strategies to manage overwhelming emotions.

Could stop feeling like your eating, sleeping and spending habits are out of control

Knowing what causes your habits to get out of hand. Having the tools to create a sustainable lifestyle that meets your needs.

Felt more connected with yourself & the people you love

Living a balanced life where you can afford to feel present in the moment. Being able to redirect your mind when it starts overthinking.

WE want you to know:

You don’t have to do this alone.

Let’s work together to get you back to reaching your goals & build a sustainable life that works for you.


Common questions about therapy for ADHD

  • Yes, we’re here to support you either way. We’ll provide you with practical tools and strategies to create more balance in your life.

    Our team has training, knowledge and lived experience to provide neurodivergent-affirming care and tailor your treatment plan to meet your needs.

  • As psychotherapists, we cannot diagnose or prescribe medication. However, we understand how vital it is to be assessed by medical professionals that specialize in ADHD.

    That’s why we partner with reliable and affordable clinics offering minimal wait times. All the clinics we refer to provide medication management and/or collaborate directly with us and your family doctor.

  • Click this LINK to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with one of our therapists. We’ll discuss your needs & make sure it’s a good match!

Ready to get started?

You deserve a fulfilling & balanced life.